Upright Hinged & Sliding Door Coolers

Upright Hinged & Sliding Door Coolers

Upright Hinged & Sliding Door Coolers

Upright Hinged & Sliding Door Coolers

This range is manufactured to Staycold’s exacting standards so no matter how tough the environment, a Staycold cooler performs thanks to its superior engineering and advanced features such as Low E glass doors. Staycold products will maintain 3-5°C even in extreme tropical ambient conditions.

Supercubes are made by spraying water upwards into an inverted mould. Inverting the mould means that any sediment or impurities in the water fall back down, leaving only pure water to form the cube making these cubes very hard.


HD 580


HD 690


HD/SD 890


HD/SD 1140


HD/SD 1360

Click HERE for a full explanation of Staycold’s advanced features page. For full specifications see brochure